



Leadership and Learning

Targeted Audience: Teachers K-12, Instructional Coaches and School Administrators

Description: This workshop is designed to build the capacity of all staff and facilitate leadership exploration through the use of tools such as reflection, research, data, and goal setting. The training is focused on self-assessment and skill development, with the aim of enhancing the capabilities of existing staff in all organizations seeking to support the continuity and consistency of learning and leadership. Participants will engage in meaningful learning opportunities, fostering the exploration of goals while acquiring new skills in coaching, leadership, data analysis within their workplace, and goal setting to achieve results that support leadership development.

Audience: The workshop is tailored for staff within an educational organizational structure. The ultimate goal is to train, retrain, sustain, and maintain staffing while establishing an internal layer of leadership that values and builds the capacity of individuals within the organization. This will be achieved in a motivating and collaborative group setting.

Recommended number of days: 9-12 days (with recommended 3-days simultaneously)



Targeted Audience: K-Grade 12 Teachers, Instructional Coaches and School Administrators, Department Heads

Description: This engaging workshop weaves together strong research-based tools and strategies, creating a comprehensive approach to aligning teaching practices with instructional standards. Throughout this workshop, we demonstrate how to seamlessly integrate research-based tools and strategies into daily lesson plans, assessments, and classroom management. Educators will obtain a toolkit of practical techniques and resources to enhance their teaching effectiveness.

Number of Days of Seminar:  2 Day Minimum


Alignment and Refinement: Curriculum Mapping Support and Monitoring

Targeted Audience: Teachers K-12, Instructional Coaches and School Administrators

With the large number of standards that teachers are asked to address at our grade levels, this workshop will support staff in reviewing what is written, what must be taught, and what will be tested. The curriculum mapping alignment process introduced in this workshop aims to assist teachers and leaders in planning and implementing instruction aligned with the standards. This ongoing work will involve planning, monitoring, reflection, and refinement, supporting the priorities of individual teachers and the schools where they teach. The workshop will provide an ongoing set of skills and activities over several days.

Number of Days of Seminar: 9 to 12 total staff days.


B.U.G.S. — Basic Understandings, Great Strategies

Targeted Audience: Pre-K-Grade 8 Teachers, Instructional Coaches and School Administrators

Description: This engaging workshop will introduce participants to basic understandings of effective instruction, careful assessment and research-based strategies that support excellent classroom management and instructional delivery.  A focus on RtI (Response to Intervention–as well as a Response to Instruction) will be a driving force with this session.  Participants will be actively engaged in materials and resources to make their classrooms, schools and learning environments –“buzz” — with intentional teaching and learning.

Number of Days of Seminar: 4 days


Go W.E.S.T. — Wonderful + Engaging Strategies for Thinking

Targeted Audience: K-Grade 12 Teachers, Instructional Coaches and School Administrators

Description: Panning for gold? Looking for wonderful teaching strategies? If so, Go W.E.S.T. is for you! This four-day hands-on minds-on workshop will combine the passion that teaching requires and the intentional planning and delivery of effective lessons.

Number of Days of Seminar: 3-4 days


Putting It All Together

Targeted Audience: K-Grade 12 Teachers, Instructional Coaches and School Administrators, Department Heads

Description: This engaging workshop is designed to integrate the key components of effective schools: leadership, the use of data, instruction, professional development, and research-based curriculum. Utilizing resources from Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Leadership and other research-based tools, teams will focus on how each area supports and contributes to student achievement. 'Putting It All Together' will connect pieces of the 'Quality Puzzle,' enabling school leaders to move forward with strong, measurable progress.

Number of Days of Seminar:  2 Day Minimum


T.R.E.A.S.U.R.E.S.  — Teaching Resources that Engage, Assess, Support, Utilize Reading and Educational Strategies

Targeted Audience: Pre-K-Grade 8 Teachers, Instructional Coaches and School Administrators

Description: This workshop focuses on the fundamentals. Utilizing research-based strategies, each session emphasizes active student engagement, effective learning procedures, classroom management, and critical reading and thinking skills. Participants will gain a deeper understanding and valuable perspectives on the gems, jewels, and nuggets that form the foundation for informed reading instruction, quality assessment, and effective classroom organization.

Number of Days of Seminar: 3-4 days



Customized and differentiated on-site coaching, professional development, and/or technical assistance. These services provide, but are not limited to: classroom walk-throughs and coaching feedback, modeling lessons in classrooms, data support and analysis, action planning, and implementation for core reading and math curriculum programs and assessment components. The goal of this training is to build leadership and teacher capacity that fosters high student achievement and targets academic excellence.

Number of days: 2 Day Minimum


Hands-On, Minds On Math!

Math that is Meaningful and Mindful!

Targeted Audience: K-8 Teachers and Instructional Coaches

Description: This secondary content-mathematics workshop is focused around teaching and learning of mathematics.  It is designed to provide content knowledge to teachers, along with research-based strategies that will support strong learning and mathematical applications for students.  Common core standards and materials that will enlighten and excite students are part of the focus of this engaging 4 day workshop.

Number of Days of Seminar: 4 days

Presenter: C.R.E.A.T.E. Associates


Executive Coaching

Targeted Audience: Academic and Business Leaders, Institutional Administrators, Principals, School and Community Leaders

Description: The aim of this highly customized experience is to refine, bolster and direct one’s understanding of strategic leadership. This framework is designed to clarify strategies that effect change and lead to measurable goals. We will craft customized action plans that demonstrate self-awareness and an understanding of group dynamics emphasizing balanced and inspired leadership.

Strong executives model with intention, build confidence and capacity in leaders and take responsibility for shaping an organization and/or culture that exacts meaningful change and delivers first-rate measured results.

Number of days: 2 day minimum


Leadership: P's in a pod

Targeted Audience: Instructional Coaches and School Administrators

Number of Days: 3 days

Description: This three-day session is designed to focus on Peering in on Peers, Pacing, Program Fidelity, Professional Development, Powerful Strategies, Providing Leadership with Data and Professional Learning Communities.

Number of days: 3 day minimum


Literacy: S.T.A.R.S. PHASE ONE

Strategies That Accelerate Reading Success

Targeted Audience: Pre-K-Grade 5 Teachers, Instructional Coaches and School Administrators

Description: Using the research of the National Reading Panel (NRP) and the five essential components for reading, this hands-on workshop creates a strong foundation for literacy instruction.  This 3-day workshop is designed to create a research base for the WHY and a strategy bank for the HOW of delivering quality literacy instruction.

Number of Days: 3 days


Literacy: S.T.A.R.S. PHASE TWO

Strategies That Accelerate Reading Success

Targeted Audience: Pre-K-Grade 5 Teachers, Instructional Coaches and School Administrators

Description: This two-day session is designed to look at data, deepen understanding of the Response to Intervention (RtI) Model, and plan instruction to meet the needs of students who require Intense Intervention. This engaging, hands-on workshop is designed to build teacher and leadership capacity focused on improving student achievement.

Number of Days:  2 Day Minimum



Positive Responsive Expectations Sustaining Empowering NurturING Classroom Environment

Targeted Audience: Pre-K-Grade 5 Teachers, Instructional Coaches and School Administrators

Description: This workshop is designed to address the differentiated needs of all students, supporting teachers and school personnel in their efforts to increase student success. I present practical strategies and approaches that empower teachers to create inclusive and effective learning environments for all students.

Number of Days: 2-3 days


Targeting student achievement

Targeting Student Achievement

Targeted Audience: Pre-K-Grade 12 Teachers, Instructional Coaches and School Administrators

Description: This engaging workshop focuses on C.I.A. (curriculum, instruction and assessment).  It is designed to focus the attention of educators on what is working and what needs attention.  Participants will engage in professional, research-based materials, dialogue, instruction and data activities to build the capacity of teachers and leaders.  The outcome of this 3-day session is having a heightened consciousness of educators with a plan of action to increase student achievement in core and intervention instructional time using data and reflection of the collaborative team in the school setting(s).

Number of Days of Seminar: 3 day minimum.



Expanding on the foundation of effective coaching strategies, this intensive three-day training program places a strong emphasis on the pivotal roles of planning and reflection in facilitating impactful leadership conversations. Participants, including leaders and administrators, will engage in comprehensive planning and preparation exercises, equipping them with the tools and strategies necessary for effectively leading and supporting their teams throughout the upcoming school year. This training seamlessly integrates coaching conversations and action planning into the process, fostering a proactive and strategic approach to leadership that enhances educational outcomes and professional development.

Number of Days of Seminar: 3 day minimum.


The HEART AND ART OF COACHING: District Leadership

Building on the fundamentals of the foundations of cognitive coaching, this training is focused on the role of District Leaders and their important role as supervisors and managers, as well as leaders.

When supervision is part of a leaders’ role, the way you talk with and communicate with your subordinates is a critical piece in effective leadership, managing and modeling for your team.

Throughout the workshop, practical exercises will utilize the planning and reflecting conversations for leaders on management of personnel, hiring practices, and supervision of all staff who report to them in the workplace. This workshop is focused on management of people with focus on coaching language and positive presuppositions for engagement and strong climate in the work environment.

Number of Days of Seminar: 2 day minimum.



This one-day training will include setting a climate for assisting teachers in curriculum, instruction and assessment.   Coaching is the “job-embedded” professional development that makes a marked difference in performance.

Coaches are instrumental in building trust, rapport, and relationships with teachers who are practicing in the classroom daily. The support that is needed to sustain growth and have continuous improvement comes from coaches who are asking the right questions, causing teachers to plan and reflect on their practices and implement changes in the classroom to improve student achievement.

The primary purpose of coaching of any kind in education — is to focus on the goal to increase and improve student achievement.

Number of Days of Seminar: 2 day minimum.



Evaluation vs. Coaching

Evaluation is a demanding skill for leaders in the workplace.  When a staff member is hired, it is often referred to as the “1,000,000 decision.”  After the hiring process, the true work begins to mentor, model, coach and support staff.  In addition to these practices, leaders are expected and required to evaluate their employees.  Skills to assist in building capacity come from coaching and language that assists in growth and development.  If evaluation is done with a negative tone, there are implications for the leader and the environment where others are asked to work.

This two-day training will include setting a climate for assisting leadership in both coaching and evaluation.  There are distinct differences between coaching and evaluation that must be studied and clarified for leaders and administrators in their own work.   Coaching conversations and action plans will be integrated into any evaluation process that is in place for any type of business, school or work place.

Leaders will leave with skills to apply to their process for evaluating, retaining, or dismissing staff members.

Number of Days of Seminar: 2 day minimum.



Building on the fundamentals of the foundations of cognitive coaching, this training is focused on the role of coaches, managers and principals and their important role as supervisors and managers, as well as leaders.  Throughout the workshop, practical exercises will utilize the planning and reflecting conversations for leaders on management of personnel, hiring practices, and supervision of all staff, classified and certified.  This workshop is focused on management of people with focus on coaching language and positive presuppositions for engagement and strong climate in the work environment.

This two-day training will include planning and preparation for leaders and administrators for their own work in planning and preparing for the upcoming school year. Coaching conversations and action plans will be integrated into this process.

Number of Days of Seminar: 2 day minimum.



Targeted Audience: Pre-K-Grade 6 Teachers, Instructional Coaches and School Administrators

This three-part program provides teachers with an opportunity to craft a lesson plan, establish clear instructional learning targets and observe effective student engagement strategies that lead to positive learning outcomes and student accountability. Teachers will have an opportunity to observe Dr. Gatti-Carson teaching; providing space and structure for teachers to reflect on instructional methods and strategies in real-time while also evaluating the layers and flow of student engagement. In the final stage of the program; Dr. Gatti-Carson will lead a debriefing session where teachers will unpack and identify key learnings and observations. This three-part program occurs at each grade level with associated teachers observing.

Number of Days of Seminar: 3 day minimum.


Unlocking the Power of Data: Fostering Informed Learning Dialogues

Targeted Audience: Pre-K-Grade 8 Teachers, Instructional Coaches and School Administrators

This workshop supports educators and administrators in the crucial process of data review and analysis. Through triangulating diverse data sources, participants will acquire vital insights to inform instructional decisions and develop effective Response to Intervention (RtI) strategies. The workshop emphasizes data disaggregation and analysis, concentrating on student expected growth and percentile standings, enabling informed instructional decisions and robust RtI strategies.

Number of Days of Seminar: 2 day minimum.


Teaching and Learning with Strong Instructional Strategies

Targeted Audience: Pre-K-Grade 8 Teachers, Instructional Coaches and School Administrators

This workshop is designed to utilize the College and Career Ready (CCR) Standards in planning and delivering strong instruction focused on learning outcomes. Participants will engage in strategies that support individual student needs. Targeted strategies will be designed to meet the demands and requests of teachers as they prepare for instructional needs of their students. Dozens of instructional strategies related to math, writing and reading will be modeled, introduced, and shared with participants.

Number of Days of Seminar: 2 day minimum.


Creating a positive environment for Student Success

Targeted Audience: Pre-K-Grade 8 Teachers, Instructional Coaches and School Administrators

The return to learning has been challenging for students as they re-enter the learning process. This workshop focuses on creating an environment for both teachers and students to re-establish a positive climate for social and emotional learning. Strategies for building community, fostering student engagement, and encouraging active participation are just a few of the important concepts that will be included in the learning outcomes for this workshop.

Number of Days of Seminar: 2 day minimum.



Targeted Audience: Pre-K-Grade 8 Teachers, Instructional Coaches and School Administrators

This workshop centers on creating word consciousness and establishing a connection between reading and comprehension. We’ll review and model effective strategies that can be employed in classrooms, as well as in small and large group workshops, to facilitate vocabulary exploration and expansion. Participants will study vocabulary at three word levels (tiers). A focus on writing and word choice will build capacity, provide actionable steps, and underscore the value and meaning of this training.

Number of Days of Seminar: 2 day minimum.